Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Settling down

Today I returned home from a nearly three-week holiday in the country. Three of my pot plants had taken heavy damage from lack of water; I will see if I can save them! Otherwise everything was fine in the flat, it was tidier than usual and I blessed myself for having been conscientious enough to do the dishes before leaving.

Some lovely things about my holiday:

- sitting in front of the fireplace with chocolate

- watching the stars in the frosty night sky

- playing boardgames with friends

- listening to our cat purring

- reading a good book

- receiving so many wonderful presents

- watching dvds together

- doing nothing at all

I especially liked the last entry. Alas, now I have to start doing something - but not before tomorrow. Today is still holiday.


scaredy-cat said...

Oh, the envy this entry awakens in someone who's doing her extra Swedish assignment (or actually RE-doing ...)! I think I'll spend the next Christmas at your parents'. ;)

Jenny said...

I recommend it warmly. Very relaxing.