Saturday, 17 January 2009

Diamonds and hearts

I was at work today, after a looong break, so I was a bit apprehensive about how everything would work out: would I still know how to use the dry cleaning machine, would I remember to turn on the water tabs, would I possess the patience to be friendly to stupid customers? Well, as it turned out, these were rather useless worries, as I didn't have to operate the dry cleaning machine at all, and no stupid customers appeared (in fact, hardly any customers appeared). And the water tabs I turned on first thing in the morning.

As for how the header comes into this entry, there wasn't much to do at work so I spent a lot of time playing FreeCell. I have this - oddity - that whenever I play FreeCell or Patience or some such game, I have to arrange the cards by suits so that spades and hearts go together, clubs and diamonds together. And when you have to reorder the deck by suit and rank, starting from the aces, I have a special order for those, too: hearts first, then spades, diamonds, and clubs. It's really annoying when I can't do this, and sometimes I lose because of this principle. But what can I do?


Myllär said...

You cannot do anything, dear! You have an obsession and that's that! At most I could try to beat you with a perunanuija. Or how?

Jenny said...

You can try. Maybe you will succeed in making me incapable of playing anything anymore.