Monday, 26 January 2009


Our cat Nekku is 95 % hair and 5 % other substances. She is the cuddliest cat I know, and she loves sitting in people's laps and purring. What I love most about her, is the total and unconditional trust she feels for whoever it is that's holding her: she doesn't hesitate to uncover her underbelly (which grows curly hair, by the way) and is calmly certain that whichever way she turns, she will be held on to. And she always is.

Nekku is our cat by her own choice: when we went to get a kitten at our neighbour's farm, she walked right into my sister's lap and made herself comfortable. How could such confidence be resisted?

This little pussy I got from my sister as a Christmas present. He's stuffed with oat grains and can be put in the oven or the freezer to warm or cool and then applied to a sore or something. Well, that's what he's meant for. But I haven't had the heart to do it! I prefer keeping him for company on my bedside table.


Myllär said...

I think, this lowest pussy says to you:"Oh my precious guardian Madam! Is it true, that you'll never never roast me in the owen?! Please!"

Jenny said...

OK, now I definately won't put him in the oven!