Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Giving up coffee, day 1

Tomorrow is the official beginning of Lent. My big sacrifice is to give up coffee, my solace in a life crowded with deadlines and continuos assessment, and today I began. So far, things are spiffy (as P.G. Wodehouse might say), and no withdrawal headache is mine. Hooray!

The reasons I'm giving up coffee are numerous, but among the most important are

1) that I can prove myself I'm able to do it

2) that coffee is something it's really hard for me to give up, so doing it would count as a sacrifice - otherwise it wouldn't really be Lent

3) that I know, deep down, that coffee is bad for you, so de-toxicating my system every once in a while is not such a bad thing.


Myllär said...

You've earned my highly respection! I'm giving up candies, chocolate, shopping and some internetting. But I'm going to refuse to feel myself miserable! How about you?

Jenny said...

I have to admit that studying for an exam would seem easier if there was chocolate, but I got by with some kiwi and melon... So far so good!