Monday, 16 February 2009


At times I feel like there's too much going on in my head and that I need a break from it all (anybody interested in swapping heads?). It's difficult to keep track of my to-do list (not that it exists in any concrete way), and maybe that's why there seems always to be so much I should be working on. Time is very stealthy. It pretends to be ample, and then suddenly it vanishes into thin air and leaves you unprepared and hopelessly late.

Tomorrow I'm going to write down everything I have to do in way of studying. See if I won't.


Myllär said...

Well, did you write down your all duties(dutys?)?

Jenny said...

How should I put But I have an excuse in being too fluttered by the new flat and things to do with that. I think.

Myllär said...

The Main Point is being fluttered! Who cares about some things to do?
Says MOM!