Monday, 28 April 2008

Cram day

Multiple-choice tasks give me a false sense of security: the correct answer is there, you just have to pick it out! But with our grammar teacher and her oh, so nasty and treacherous ways you can never be sure... That's why I've been cramming today.

But English punctuation - let alone the use of modal auxiliaries and other niceties - isn't something you just cram. You have to learn it little by little, through active usage and by applying functional analysis to everything you read in English, so that your grammatical knowledge becomes, not a list of comma rules, but an integral part of language use. (That, at least, has been my excuse for not bothering to read through my notes for a second time; if I don't know it now, there's no way I'll learn it by tomorrow!)

The highlight of my day was eating the last piece of chocolate cake with ice-cream (although now I wish I had saved it for tomorrow; I might need it after the grammar exam). I love chocolate cake, and this was probably the tastiest cake I've had. We made it with my sister yesterday, and today it was already gone!


scaredy-cat said...

'-- and by applying functional analysis to everything you read in English --', ok. Joillain meistä on tuohon aika pitkä matka. :)

Jenny said...

(Voin paljastaa, että sarkasmilla oli iso osa tuon lauseen kirjoittamisessa. Yritän lukea analyyttisesti aina toisinaan, mutta yleensä se jää siihen "katos vaan, tuopa onkin SUBJUNKTIIVI" -toteamukseen kerran kirjassa;)