Sunday, 1 March 2009

Spring is in the air

We've been treated to a dazzling amount of light today. The sky seems so high above, the air is cool and clear, and the (apparently) ever-lasting snow cover sparkles under the rays of the sun. On a day like this, one should go out to nature and laugh out loud in reckless joy of living!

To celebrate Spring I organized the window sill anew...

...bought a yellow primrose...

...and put the loveliest cook-book in the world on display (Christmas gift from miss P).

(I did this quite some time ago, but it was to honour Spring. I'd just forgot about the pictures.)


Myllär said...

You made me turn to the Spring, now! Bytheway, I just drunk tea with The chimney-sweeper. We had a really interesting conversation by our kitchen table.

Jenny said...

Sounds like you've come far since the days you had to hide from him and beg Dad to be there when he came!

Myllär said...

A woman is able to grow up too, if she wants to. Agree?